Create Profile

All members in good standing of the Detroit Federation of Musicians are welcome to:

  • Create one or more profiles on this website.
  • Create separate profiles for each of your ensembles if applicable.
  • Please note that the members of your ensemble should also be members in good standing with Local 5 as well. For more information on joining – and for great discounts when joining as a group – please visit:

To create a new profile, please fill out the form below. To update an existing profile, please complete only the sections you wish to update or change. To delete sections or dated materials, please make notes of specific items in the comments section at the bottom of the form.

A note about SoundCloud: We are encouraging members to switch from SoundCloud to our integrated media player – an option which allows members to stream MP3s as a play list. The player is free, well supported, and allows the user to control playback just like SoundCloud. SoundCloud is now inserting ads into play lists and the embedded player has fewer options for displaying playlists other than the big, unsightly “full player”. For these reasons, we feel that the time to retire SoundCloud has arrived. That said, we will continue to support it into next year. But we encourage you to make the change when possible.